
  1. 3. A white, sugary candy that is soft and fluffy.
  2. 6. A round white thing that can be decorated.
  3. 7. A small fruity candy that looks like a legume.
  4. 8. The day of the week of Easter.
  5. 10. A delicious, sugary treat.
  6. 11. A holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
  7. 12. A big rabbit that brings gifts to kids.
  8. 13. A candy made with cacao.
  9. 14. An orange vegetable that bunnies like.
  1. 1. A baby sheep.
  2. 2. Coming back to life after death.
  3. 4. Another word for vacation.
  4. 5. A beautiful plant.
  5. 9. The season after winter.
  6. 10. A place for religious activities.
  7. 13. A baby chicken.