
  1. 1. an instect with colourful wings that feeds on flower necta
  2. 5. In Easter, we put chocolate eggs wrapped in colourful paper in a __
  3. 6. when trees start to flower, we say that they ____
  4. 8. the third month of the year.
  5. 10. At Easter, children usually go on a scavenger
  6. 12. horses.
  7. 13. on sunny days, many families have lunch in the park. In English, we call this a ___
  8. 14. a red insect with black spots
  9. 16. A green plant that grows on wide areas
  10. 19. a typical flower that grows in May. it comes from Holland. it can be red yellow or pink.
  11. 20. A special coat I wear when it's raining.
  12. 21. the Easter ___ comes to children and brings the chocolate eggs and candy.
  1. 1. an insect which lives in a hive and makes honey.
  2. 2. a baby frog.
  3. 3. people like spring because there are many ___ growing outside.
  4. 4. something that protects you from the rain.
  5. 7. parks, gardens and yards. Many animals eat it, for example cows, deer
  6. 9. It has numerous legs, and after living in a cocoon for some time, it turns into a butterfly.
  7. 11. It is very beautiful and there is a popular song about it: red and yellow, pink and green, purple and orange and blue. I can sing a...
  8. 15. a type of sweet snack which comes in many shapes and is made of sugar.
  9. 17. a tiny insect which stores food underground in the spring and summer in order to survive in the winter.
  10. 18. a weather condition of strong wind, rain, lightning and thunder.