Easter Crossword
- 4. The egg hunt takes place on a .....
- 5. The Easter bunnies ..... eggs for children to find.
- 8. It comes out of the egg.
- 9. This is what brings chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.
- 11. Easter is a Christian ....
- 12. This is the place where the Easter Bunny hides eggs.
- 16. It's a baby bird.
- 17. Those yellow flowers come out around Easter time.
- 18. Those sweets are small and colourful.
- 1. It's the mother of a chick.
- 2. This is where children can keep their chocolate while they are hunting.
- 3. It's a baby sheep.
- 4. The season of Easter
- 5. The search for eggs is called "Easter Egg ......"
- 6. These are what children look for on Easter Sunday.
- 7. The opposite of "search"
- 8. Sometimes people send one for Easter.
- 10. You can grill them over the barbecue fire for dessert.
- 13. What the Easter bunny brings.
- 14. It's a synonym for sweets.
- 15. To decorate the eggs, you can .... them.