Easter Test Vocabulary

  1. 2. "Cavalo" in English.
  2. 3. "Aranha" in English.
  3. 5. Opposite of thick.
  4. 7. A school subject that starts with the letter H.
  5. 10. "Coelho" in English.
  6. 12. "Peixe" in English.
  7. 13. "Cobra" in English.
  1. 1. Opposite of bad.
  2. 3. Opposite of long.
  3. 4. A school subject that starts with the letter E.
  4. 6. A school subject that starts with the letter G.
  5. 8. A school subject that starts with the letter S.
  6. 9. A school subject that starts with the letter M.
  7. 11. Opposite of small.
  8. 14. Opposite of old.