
  1. 4. Marking on letter that shows handling instruction
  2. 5. An item that can deteriorate such as live plants or animals
  3. 6. Pigeon hole in distribution case
  4. 9. Depart from normal line of travel
  5. 11. An item of mail that is stuck in case and not pulled down with rest of mail.
  6. 13. Non machinable parcel that doesn't meet proper dimensions
  7. 16. Abbreviation for Supervisor union
  8. 17. Authorized absence
  9. 18. Contractual disagreement where no progress is being made
  10. 19. Stamp whose value will always be the current market price
  11. 20. Wood cart used to transport mail. ____ truck
  1. 1. Scanner prompted inventory of mail at a single address
  2. 2. Office union representative
  3. 3. Going from one part of the route to another, skipping deliveries in between
  4. 7. Bag to hold mail
  5. 8. The "D" in DPS
  6. 10. Filing of an injustice or violation
  7. 12. Mail class consisting of newspapers and magazines
  8. 14. dengan cara apa misi perekonomian di ASEAN dapat bersaing dengan negara yang lebih maju
  9. 15. Every address mailer