Easy as PIE

  1. 2. Chief complaint, history, Examination, Details, Drugs and dosage not cheese!
  2. 4. contain important info of the patients and medical history
  3. 5. Electronic medical record
  4. 7. audits done within the office
  5. 11. Personal Health Record
  6. 13. Source Oriented Medical Record
  7. 14. to examine and review a group of medical records for completeness and accuracy
  8. 15. the process of recording information in the medical record
  9. 16. Problem Oriented Medical Record
  10. 18. Something you can measure/see; BP, temperature, rash etc..
  11. 19. Form you sign to allow treatment
  1. 1. transferring spoken word into written documents.
  2. 3. Electronic Health Record
  3. 6. all information gathered in the initial interview, past medical history ect.
  4. 8. audits done outside the office usually by gov't entities
  5. 9. specific info that is required of a population
  6. 10. What they feel; headache
  7. 12. Someone who dose not follow the DR. instructions
  8. 17. An inventory of the body obtained by the health care provider through a series of questions
  9. 20. Subjective Objective Assessment Plan