Easy work

  1. 1. Manufacturers generally color the keyboard port purple and the mouse port green.
  2. 3. house your graphics card, which supplies the images to the monitor
  3. 5. Card if you want better sound quality
  4. 7. is the brain that carries out your computer’s instructions.
  5. 10. 1394 transfer data as fast as 400Mbps (megabits per second). (The next generation offers speeds as fast as 3,200 Mbps.)
  6. 11. reaches its capacity, the processor redirects the excess data to your hard drive.
  1. 1. port. USB and FireWire connections are quickly replacing this port
  2. 2. isn’t the prettiest component by any means. It funnels power through the multicolored cables (many cables have more than one connector) to each device.
  3. 4. slots let peripherals communicate quickly with the processor.
  4. 6. Some devices are able to draw power from the computer in addition to data through the port. 2.0 port, data will transfer at the USB 1.1 speed.
  5. 8. activates when you turn on the computer and performs system checks before starting your main OS.
  6. 9. Port much slower than new USB and FireWire ports. You can attach some older keyboards, mice, and modems