Echo Fall Edition Crossword Contest
- 1. Number of AMHS LI Soccer titles
- 4. NAHS advisor
- 6. Jameau's top new artist
- 8. "_______ Village" retirement community
- 10. Teacher in charge of Smart Scholars
- 12. # of college credits available to Smart Scholars
- 14. instrument played by Florian Victor
- 16. Last name of Echo music editor
- 18. Travis Scott music fest name
- 20. Field name in Middletown
- 23. AMHS Librarian
- 24. AMHS Dean of Students
- 25. Last name of Echo Entertainment editor
- 26. Teacher who created AMHS map
- 27. Interact advisor
- 28. AMHS Principal
- 29. Verdict in Rittenhouse trial
- 30. "Ugly ___" retro review show
- 31. Holocaust survivor
- 2. New Covid variant
- 3. Nickname of ECHO Editor-in-Chief
- 5. First name of pioneering psychologist
- 7. Teacher who enjoys badminton
- 8. Guidance Department "dogs"
- 9. Cave and Ellis album
- 11. "Oh ______" song from Applefest
- 13. Ka$dami's age at his first release
- 14. Swift's new album, "Red (Taylor's ______)
- 15. NHS advisor
- 17. Film mentioned by Ms. Westphal
- 19. Spirit Week's Monday theme
- 20. Years of Echo online
- 21. Sophomore class advisor
- 22. Current Echo edition