
  1. 1. a species that has completely died out.
  2. 4. Nonliving factors in an ecosystem.
  3. 5. All of the living and nonliving things in an environment.
  4. 7. a factor not influenced by population such as natural disasters.
  5. 10. Limited resources within an ecosystem.
  6. 11. Living factors in an ecosystem.
  7. 13. a factor that is influenced by population.
  8. 15. An overabundance of resources in an ecosystem.
  1. 2. the highest number of organisms an ecosystem can support.
  2. 3. The number of organisms born.
  3. 6. a factor that restricts how large a population can grow.
  4. 8. a species whose survival is possibly unlikely.
  5. 9. The number of organisms that die.
  6. 12. One organism in an ecosystem.
  7. 14. Several members of one species.