
  1. 5. a relationship between two organisms where neither organism is harmed.
  2. 7. more common and caused by the reformation of environments after things like natural disasters.
  3. 9. when an organism is introduced somewhere where it isn’t native two and starts to take over the environment it is introduced to.
  4. 14. an organism that obtains its energy from the sun.
  5. 15. a bunch of interconnected food chains on a chart that shows how organisms get energy and what obtains energy from what.
  6. 18. an organism that obtains energy from a producer or another consumer.
  7. 19. pollution of water that comes normally from a pipe or a single discrete spot.
  8. 21. study of all things living and the environment they live in.
  1. 1. pollution pollution that can be carried by runoff and man made things. Doesn’t come from anywhere specific.
  2. 2. something that is a living factor
  3. 3. caused by new land formations and things like lava flows
  4. 4. a relationship between two organisms where one organism is benefited and the other is harmed.
  5. 6. all of the air above the crust of the earth.
  6. 8. something that is a nonliving factor.
  7. 10. a relationship between two organisms where one organism is benefited and the other is neither helped or harmed.
  8. 11. the theory of evolution or survival of the fittest. Organisms that have the best traits for an environment will survive.
  9. 12. a chart of questions that can be answered in order to identify things.
  10. 13. the number of organisms of a specific species in a set area.
  11. 16. is all of biotic and abiotic factors on the entire planet combined.
  12. 17. all of the abiotic and biotic factors in a specific area.
  13. 20. the biotic factors that work together in a specific area.