
  1. 9. a group of organisms that live in a specific area
  2. 10. something that is between two organisms where neither benefit or are harmed
  3. 13. a number of a specific spices in that give-in area
  4. 15. an organism that need to eat other plants or animals to survive
  5. 17. when a part of land is starting over after a natural disasters
  1. 1. when a part of the earth is starting from scratch and starts growing
  2. 2. organisms that evolve to fit new environments
  3. 3. all living things on earth
  4. 4. something that is between two organisms that benefit them both
  5. 5. an organisms that makes its own food
  6. 6. a way to identify different plants and animals
  7. 7. living organisms
  8. 8. above and below the earths surface
  9. 11. the study of animals and ecosystems
  10. 12. an area where organisms live in harmony
  11. 14. something that is between two organisms where one is benefit and one is harmed
  12. 16. a mix of multiple food chains
  13. 18. not living