Ecology Terms

  1. 2. selection: animals that are better suited to survive survive and pass on their genes to the next generation.
  2. 3. a nonliving thing such as a rock or water
  3. 4. capacity: the largest amount of organisms in a species that an environment can sustain in the long term
  4. 7. limiting factors: factors that effect the size and/or growth of the population varying with the population's density. This includes food availability and disease.
  5. 10. growth: growth rate that grows in proportion to the total number of population it is a very rapid growth
  6. 11. symbiotic interactions between 2 species that result in harm. This usually occurs do to a limited supply of a resource like water
  1. 1. limiting factors: factors that do not depend on the density of a population in order to limit it. This would include natural disasters such as tornadoes and earthquakes.
  2. 5. a change in how an organism functions as a result of natural selection. This allows the organism to better survive in their environment.
  3. 6. growth: when the growth rate of a population decreases as it nears the environments carrying capacity
  4. 8. a living thing such as a plant or bug
  5. 9. exclusion: two species cannot coexist in one area due to the limited resources in the area. One species will have to leave or go extinct
  6. 12. the symbiotic relationship between two species in which one hunts the other in order to feed itself.