Economic Globalization Cross Word

  1. 3. When there are no restrictions between nations to trade with each other. For example, NAFTA
  2. 5. When nations cut back all or some of the barriers to trade with their country. (Includes tariff and non-tariff means)
  3. 6. An agreement between Canada and the US to eliminate trade barriers and allow more trading to be done between the two countries, also a free market between the two nations.
  4. 8. A regional zone where participating countries reduce or eliminate trade barriers. It is done usually to protect those countries economy from that of non-member countries.
  5. 10. The creator of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and the place where the Gold Standard was removed.
  6. 12. When neighbouring states come to an agreement for shared laws and institutions, like the EU for example.
  7. 14. An economy dependant on the information available, rather than what it produces.
  8. 15. An organization or person who wants to see change made, so they make public methods of showing their support for said cause.
  9. 16. An IMF initiative to help reduce the debt of the 39 HIPC, it provides debt relief to countries with an enormous amount of debt.
  10. 18. A law in economics, that states that protectionism isn't needed in a free trade economy.
  11. 23. An international organization that fosters and regulates trade between member nations throughout the globe.
  12. 24. 39 countries that have very high levels of poverty and debt so they get special assistance from the IMF and World Bank
  13. 25. If you are a member of this informal group, you are one of a few countries that make up nearly 50% of the vote in the IMF and the World Bank.
  14. 26. A part of the United Nations, this institution seeks to eliminate poverty and give developing countries loans to help them.
  1. 1. A tax on imported goods and services, it is used to control trade.
  2. 2. A social movement that is against corporate capitalism.
  3. 4. With 188 member countries a apart of this organization, this organization seeks to monitor the worlds banking affairs and expand trade throughout the globe.
  4. 7. A free trade agreement met between Canada, USA and Mexico to support barrier free trade between these 3 countries.
  5. 9. Private businesses, individual wealth, you either make or break in this type of economy, also an economy of little government involvement.
  6. 11. When a country wants to help its own economy, and cuts back on the imports and investments coming in from other countries to do so.
  7. 13. An organization thats purpose was to reduce and eliminate tariffs and trade barriers within its member countries, it was formed during a UN meeting and is now the WTO
  8. 17. In the years 1941-1991,there was a political and military tension between the Western and Eastern Blocs. (USA+Allies against the Soviet Union+allies)
  9. 19. When a business makes a contract-typically overseas-to have their products built there, instead of in their country. Reasons for this is cheap labour, which means cheap products for the consumers.
  10. 20. When a government owned business is sold and becomes privately owned. Like Petro-Canada gas.
  11. 21. A political and economic joining of 28 member states, that share common currency, policies and allow free trade of anything and everything (goods, services, people) within the 28 member states.
  12. 22. The rate that one country's currency can be traded in for another country's currency.