Economic Inequality

  1. 4. economies that are poorer and living in poverty
  2. 6. assistance given to developing countries by developed countries
  3. 8. countries compared based on a number of indicators
  4. 9. the gap between the developed and developing countries
  5. 11. when wealthy countries buy raw materials from a poorer country then sell them for a higher value
  6. 12. aid from one country directly to another
  1. 1. aid in the form of food, water, medicine etc. following a natural disaster
  2. 2. economies that are well-developed and wealthy
  3. 3. when leaders of countries take money needed for national services for their personal needs
  4. 5. all the income earned by a country’s residents and businesses
  5. 7. the unequal distribution of wealth between countries
  6. 10. when developing countries owe sums of money they borrowed from foreign countries to help develop their country