
  1. 1. The using up of something
  2. 5. Person who takes the risk of starting a business. Examples: Mark Zuckerberg who started Facebook.
  3. 8. Amount of money a business makes (beyond the cost of running the business)
  4. 9. An item that can be bought or sold
  5. 12. Something done in exchange for money (teaching, cleaning service)
  6. 13. Goods Resources not to be sold, but used to create other items. Examples: delivery truck, building, railroad.
  7. 14. Not enough of something
  8. 15. Resources from nature used to make goods. Examples: oil, trees, and water.
  1. 2. Bringing into the country goods and services from other countries
  2. 3. The amount of goods and services available
  3. 4. The people and energy put into creating goods and providing services. Examples: waitress, police officer, and salesperson.
  4. 6. resources Includes natural resources, human resources, capital resources and entrepreneurship
  5. 7. When goods and services are produced in better quality, quantity and speed by a group that can focus on producing just a few items instead of trying to make everything
  6. 10. The amount of a good or service people are willing to buy
  7. 11. Sending goods and services out of the country to another location
  8. 14. More of something than is needed