
  1. 1. Country's economic growth and quality of life
  2. 4. Tax on imports or exports
  3. 5. country Country with a strong economy and a high quality of life
  4. 6. Study of how people meet their wants and needs
  5. 8. relating to or found within a country
  6. 11. advantage A society's ability to produce a product most efficiently given all the products it could produce
  7. 12. barrier Something that keeps goods and services from entering a country
  8. 13. domestic product Total value of all goods and services produced in a country
  9. 14. Desire for a particular good or service
  10. 16. Amount of a good or service that is available for use
  11. 17. Coming from outside of a country
  12. 18. Person or business that makes and sells goods or services
  1. 2. Exchange of goods and services in a market
  2. 3. Amount of goods and services produced given the amount of resources used
  3. 7. Person or business that buys, or consumes, goods or services
  4. 9. cost Cost of what you have to give up when making a choice
  5. 10. countries Country with a less productive economy and a lower quality of life
  6. 15. trade Removal of trade barriers