Economics Crossword

  1. 4. Condition of being unequal (economic inequality)
  2. 7. The use of monetary or fiscal policy changes to kickstart growth in the economy.
  3. 8. Also "third world" nations, these countries host a high level of extreme poverty and many citizens lack access to basic healthcare and infrastructure.
  4. 9. Benefits guaranteed to an individual.
  5. 12. All the man-made resources used in the production of a good or service - includes money, equipment, and partially finished goods used to produce a good or service.
  6. 15. Set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention.
  7. 16. The state of owing money.
  8. 17. It's very difficult for people to escape poverty
  9. 18. An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services.
  10. 20. The term for the basic physical systems of a business or nation.
  11. 22. average number of children born per family in a nation.
  12. 23. Average age of death for people in a nation.
  13. 24. All the human labor required for the production and distribution.
  1. 1. All the natural resources (including land/space) used in the production of a good or service.
  2. 2. Combined value of all goods and services bought, sold, and produced in a year.
  3. 3. An overall measure the well being of a person in a given nation, as a measure of their capacity for the economic growth and stability.
  4. 5. Period of no or negative economic growth (negative GDP growth rate) that last more than six months.
  5. 6. Quantification of the economic value of a worker's skill set.
  6. 8. percent of a population that can read at a primary school level or higher.
  7. 10. Mainly free enterprise but government sets and organizes programs intended to promote economic progress and consumer safety.
  8. 11. The creative minds (inventors) and business people who are essential to the development or improvement.
  9. 13. Measures the rate of people seeking work that are unable to find it in a giving economy.
  10. 14. prizes, money, or other material gain awarded for a desired behavior.
  11. 19. Refers to "first world" countries, states where nearly all citizens have access to infrastructure, healthcare, clean water, and technology; little to no extreme poverty.
  12. 21. Refers to property or other assets that have no proven ownership.