  1. 3. apex bank promoting health of credit institutions
  2. 7. cause for ecological imbalance
  3. 8. fuel used in rural areas
  4. 10. cell to convert solar energy to electricity
  5. 17. board to address environmental concern
  6. 19. cost of next best alternative foregone
  7. 22. non formal education channel
  8. 23. natural pest controller
  9. 24. project to train women in agriculture
  10. 25. alternate name for animal husbandry
  1. 1. market to protect farmers from malpractices
  2. 2. ability to absorb degradation
  3. 4. movement against deforestation in Karnataka
  4. 5. emerged due to lack of formal credit mechanism
  5. 6. treaty for ozone layer protection
  6. 9. radiations responsible for skin cancer
  7. 11. create nationwide milk grid
  8. 12. alternate marketing channel
  9. 13. eco friendly technology of agriculture
  10. 14. farmer's market in Pune
  11. 15. contrast between two entirely different things
  12. 16. credit scheme for SHG
  13. 17. agriculture relying on chemical fertilisers
  14. 18. marketing to realize fair price
  15. 20. sector for potential diversification
  16. 21. loan lent by government during emergencies
  17. 26. revolution for development of horticulture