Economics Crossword

  1. 3. The construct which concerns individuals over a certain age who are not actively engaged in paid job or self-employment but are open to employment during the reference period.
  2. 4. A service or use that a customer, business, or government is willing to pay for
  3. 6. A discipline of economics that examines how an economy functions overall, including its composition, behavior, and decision-making.
  4. 7. An increase in an economy's overall price level for products and services.
  5. 13. growth The rise or improvement in the market value of the products an economy produces in a given fiscal year, adjusted for inflation.
  6. 14. A discipline of conventional economics that investigates how people and businesses behave when deciding how to distribute scarce resources and how these people and businesses interact.
  7. 15. The actions shown when people just base their decisions on personal preferences.
  8. 16. deficit A situation where a country imports more than it exports.
  9. 17. An economic strategy intended to increase exports while reducing imports in a given economy.
  10. 19. of trade The difference in currency terms between a country's exports and imports over a specific time period.
  11. 21. The quantity of a resource that businesses, producers, workers, financial asset providers, or other economic agents are willing and able to offer to the market or to a particular customer.
  12. 24. The person acting as a coordinator in a capitalist society. They shift different resources, both material and immaterial, to encourage capital formation.
  1. 1. The commitment of funds to the acquisition of an asset with the hope that its value would rise over time.
  2. 2. of payments The difference between all of the country's financial inflow over a specific time period and its financial outflow to other countries.
  3. 5. economics The branch of economic theory that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, particularly in Britain. It promoted laissez-faire principles and the notion of free competition, focusing on economic expansion and economic freedom.
  4. 8. The effort put forth to generate commodities and services in an economy on a physical, intellectual, and social level.
  5. 9. surplus An economic indicator of a favorable trade balance, where an exporting nation's exports outpace its imports.
  6. 10. Products that meet human needs and are useful
  7. 11. The amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to buy at different prices during a specific period of time.
  8. 12. The economic strategy of limiting imports from other nations using tools like import taxes, import quotas, and various other government laws.
  9. 18. When an item or service is in more demand than offered, the supply is insufficient to meet demand.
  10. 20. What inputs—goods and services—are employed in the manufacturing process to produce output.
  11. 22. The monetary amount that one party pays or receives from another in exchange for goods or services.
  12. 23. Something that makes production more efficient, effective, or affordable.