Economics Crossword

  1. 2. Alternative choices.
  2. 4. When the benefits are greater than or equal to the costs of the decision.
  3. 6. A condition that results from society not having enough resources to produce all of the things they would like.
  4. 12. A diagram representing various combinations of goods and services an economy can produce when ALL of the resources are in use.
  5. 14. Where products are bought and sold.
  6. 17. A location or mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchnage goods or services.
  7. 18. Market structure that has all the conditions of perfect competition, but products are not identical.
  8. 21. Where the Factors of Production are bought and sold.
  9. 22. Items that improve everyday life.
  10. 23. This is caused by an increase in population, expansion of stock of capital, technological improvements, and an increase in productivity.
  11. 25. Occurs when two people willingly trade one item for another.
  1. 1. Business owned by two or more individuals
  2. 3. Market structure with only one seller of a particular product.
  3. 5. Recognized by the law as a separate legal entity; owned by stockholders.
  4. 7. Business owned by a single individual.
  5. 8. Market structure in which few large sellers dominate the industry.
  6. 9. The study of how economies satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources.
  7. 10. A way of comparing the costs of an action to the benfits recieved.
  8. 11. Items that are REQUIRED for everyday life.
  9. 13. People of the workforce.
  10. 15. Tools, equipment,machinery and factories used in production.
  11. 16. Market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers who exchange IDENTICAL products.
  12. 19. Next best alternative. (What is given up when a choice is made).
  13. 20. Individuals who take a risk in order to profit,create jobs, and improve society.
  14. 24. Natural Resources