Economics Crossword

  1. 3. Anything that has value and can retain value over time.
  2. 5. A point of transition in the business cycle from contraction to expansion.
  3. 6. The use of government revenue collection and expenditure to influence a country's economy.
  4. 8. The quantity of goods and services that may be acquired by a given level of income at a given level of prices.
  5. 9. The amount of money that a bank has in reserve that it can loan
  6. 10. Deliberate changes in government spending and tax collection designed to achieve full employement, control inflation, and encourage economic growth.
  7. 14. Goods that deliver consumption services over an extended period of time.
  8. 16. Growth in aggregate output
  9. 17. The amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to produce at different prices.
  10. 18. A relationship between real GDP and the price level
  11. 19. GDP measured at current prices
  12. 20. The use of resources of an individual, firm, region, or nation to produce one or a few goods or services rather than the entire range.
  13. 22. A higher price level increases the demand for money.
  14. 24. Change in spending causes an even larger increase in GDP than the initial change in spending.
  15. 25. The percentage of extra income that's consumed
  16. 26. Something tangible that satisfies our wants and needs
  1. 1. The amount of income that households have left over after paying their personal taxes.
  2. 2. An increase in household debt will increase consumer spending
  3. 4. The percentage of income that's saved
  4. 7. Something intangible that satisfies our wants and needs
  5. 11. The purchase of capital goods.
  6. 12. The dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country in one year.
  7. 13. Expectations of higher future income or higher future prices will increase consumer spending.
  8. 15. A rise in the general level of prices
  9. 21. The amount of money that a bank must keep in reserve and not loan out.
  10. 23. The purchase of foreign produced goods and services by domestic buyers