Economics Crossword - By Mitchell Berendt

  1. 5. The study of how people choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their wants.
  2. 7. All the resources made and used by people to produce and distribute goods/services.
  3. 12. The value of the next - best alternative.
  4. 14. The combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risks that are needed to run a new business.
  5. 17. Economics rely heavy on _____. They look for patterns of behavior - to aid them in making predictions.
  6. 18. Study of individuals, families, and businesses.
  7. 20. Desires that can be satisfied by consuming a good or service
  1. 1. Means to "make decisions according to what you believe is the best combination of costs and benefits.
  2. 2. Things that are necessary for survival
  3. 3. Explains economics as it should be.
  4. 4. Using skills you specialize in to produce unrelated goods, work for money, buy household items such as food.
  5. 6. Buyers and seller do business together, in which they both benefit from the transaction.
  6. 8. The study of the behavior of the economy as a whole.
  7. 9. All the human time, talent, and effort going into making the product.
  8. 10. Products provided by government and consumed by the public.
  9. 11. The benefit or satisfaction gained from the use of a good or service.
  10. 13. Rewards / money that would be given if a certain task is completed.
  11. 15. Explains economics the way it is.
  12. 16. All the natural resources found on or under the ground.
  13. 18. Type of economy that uses elements of all three economies.
  14. 19. The situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants.