Economics Crossword

  1. 3. Rates/ Interest rates does not change for a particular time.
  2. 8. Someone that studies the economy.
  3. 9. Rates/ The annual cost of borrowing credit or annual return on invested savings.
  4. 11. Development/ A pattern of resource use that to meet human needs while preserving the environment.
  5. 12. Cost/ Sacrificing something for an alternative.
  6. 14. not much change in quantity demand when price changing.
  7. 15. A downturn phase of the business cycle.
  8. 16. Inputs used for production.
  9. 17. The creating of goods and services.
  10. 19. Measures how much the quantity changes when the price changes.
  11. 20. Where a market or industry is dominated by a single producer of goods and services for which there is no close substitute.
  12. 23. When a business spreads internationally to trade overseas.
  13. 26. Sector/ A sector of the economy that includes all individual consumers.
  14. 27. Produced overseas and bought into the country.
  15. 29. Unemployment/ Individuals who would like a job or work longer hours.
  16. 31. Person/A person who works full time or part time and gets paid.
  17. 33. costs/ These include business expenses such as wages, rent and government taxes.
  18. 34. fall in the general level of prices over a period of time.
  19. 36. equality/ A situation where the income is evenly divided amongst a country.
  20. 37. Domestic Product/ Total value of a country's output, income or expenditure produced within the country's physical borders.
  21. 39. Inflation/ when prices rises very quickly.
  22. 40. Flow Model/ a diagram that represents the market and sector of an economy.
  23. 41. Constraints/ When there is a lack of spare productive capacity to meet increased demand.
  24. 42. Elaborately Transformed Manufactures.
  25. 43. Surplus/ A situation where the government receipts exceed outlays.
  26. 44. Income earned by investors from ownership in shares of companies.
  1. 1. A situation where average prices are rising.
  2. 2. Bank of Australia/ RBA
  3. 4. Growth/ An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services.
  4. 5. Listen a product can easily replace another because of their similarity.
  5. 6. The amount of valuable assets owned by an individual.
  6. 7. items of value owned by a person.
  7. 10. Rate/ A percentage of a given group of individuals of working age who are prepared to work and seek employment.
  8. 13. This exists when it is possible to reduce labour without a decrease in production levels.
  9. 18. Person/ Those who are willing and able to work cannot secure a job.
  10. 21. coefficient/ Measurement of inequity.
  11. 22. Price Index/ An average measurement of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services.
  12. 24. Assets acquired from a decreased person.
  13. 25. Curve/ A diagram that illustrate the degree of equality or inequality of a country.
  14. 28. A tax levied on imported goods.
  15. 30. Investment/ G2
  16. 32. Float/ Australia buying its own currency than selling it.
  17. 35. Demand/ The amount of goods and services demanded in the economy.
  18. 38. Payment received in exchange for work.