Economics Final

  1. 3. ________________ is an example of a normal healthy econnomy
  2. 4. The stock with the highest risk but greatest potential rewards is?
  3. 6. ____________is the power to increase or decrease the “money supply” (the amount of money circulating through the United States)
  4. 8. What is the idea that there are a limited amount of resources to meet unlimited wants and needs?
  5. 12. ______________ just means “total” demand.
  6. 14. Fighting high inflation and recessions are two main goals of the_______
  7. 15. The maximum amount of money you should spend on housing in 1 month should be ___ of your monthly income
  8. 17. ___is how many dollars worth of goods and services are made in a country over time (typically one year)
  9. 18. the value of the next-best alternative is an?
  10. 19. the study of how people try to satisfy their needs and want with limited resources is?
  11. 21. The ___________ states that consumers will buy more of a product at lower prices and less at higher prices
  12. 22. ____________ is the Actions by Congress to increase or decrease aggregate demand to fight inflation, recession, or stagflation.
  13. 23. The ___________shows the quantities demanded at all possible prices
  14. 24. Using your money for things that matter to you is?
  15. 25. __________ is the concept that an increasing consumption of goods is greatly beneficial to the economy was an intentional shift from product utility to desires
  1. 1. Prices rising too rapidly is Indicated by an?
  2. 2. A “shrinking” economy producing fewer goods and services than before is an example of a?
  3. 5. ______is the amount of a product offered for sale at all available prices
  4. 7. the study of the behavior and decision-making of individuals and businesses is?
  5. 9. the study of the behavior and decision-making of an economy as a whole is?
  6. 10. True or false, when making a budget you want to get as close as possible to the 50/30/20 rule
  7. 11. _____________is shown by drawing a very flat demand curve
  8. 13. the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product is?
  9. 16. How many ways can congress increase or decrease aggregate demand
  10. 20. Recession + Inflation is?