Economics & Geography

  1. 3. a good or service that is desired in order to provide satisfaction to the user, but which is not necessary for survival
  2. 5. plates: the outer layer of Earth's surface are broken into large pieces called...
  3. 6. a good or service that is required to survive
  4. 8. money needs to be able to be carried around
  5. 12. a factor of production that includes all employees that a business needs to produce goods and services
  6. 13. the movement of people from rural areas to cities
  7. 14. a factor of production that includes all the money, machinery and buildings businesses use to produce goods and services
  8. 15. tectonic plates that are being pushed into another are known as....
  9. 16. a factor of production that includes all natural resources that a business uses
  10. 17. individuals and businesses involved in the production of goods and services
  11. 19. a person or a group that is the final user of goods and services produced within an economy
  12. 20. tectonic plates that are being pulled apart are known as....
  1. 1. governments raise money by....
  2. 2. a factor of production that includes a business’s ability to combine land, labour and capital to make a profit
  3. 4. an isolated hill on a plain
  4. 7. money needs to be able to last
  5. 9. lines on a map that run east to west
  6. 10. the amount of goods and services that are available; the amount of goods that producers are willing to offer for sale
  7. 11. a good or service that is provided to all members of society
  8. 18. lines on a map that run north to south