Economics Group Exercise

  1. 2. Key word in partnership
  2. 3. Answers the question: how much to produce/provide
  3. 5. Subject to certain laws
  4. 8. Money generated from operating business
  5. 13. Provided
  6. 14. "Going concern"
  7. 15. ________ has substitutes and complements
  8. 17. Voting and stating opinion in a business
  9. 18. Store brand/generic stock
  10. 19. Anything business owes
  11. 20. Anything business owns
  12. 21. Key word in proprietorship
  13. 24. Legal protection over intellectual property
  14. 27. Cannot be traced back to source
  15. 29. The level of economics the Economic Systems operate under
  16. 31. Determines present behavior
  17. 33. Non-cutable cost
  18. 34. Growth, efficiency, equity, security
  19. 35. Based on expectation
  20. 38. Price sensitive (responds and reacts to price)
  21. 39. Tell us that in order to function at all, the economy needs to meet the economic questions
  22. 42. Business-created shortage
  23. 44. Price insensitive (does not respond or react to price)
  24. 45. Used in place of core item
  25. 46. Parent co can retain percentage of profits and control
  1. 1. Stays the same regardless of usage
  2. 4. Traced back to source
  3. 6. Avoids risk and plays safe
  4. 7. Ability to differentiate between customers
  5. 9. What to produce/provide, how to produce/provide, how much, who gets it
  6. 10. Income left over after bills are paid
  7. 11. Retain half or more of profits and control
  8. 12. Person-specific
  9. 16. Different prices to different customers for the same item
  10. 18. Used along with core item
  11. 22. Second advantage of a corporation
  12. 23. Cutable cost
  13. 25. Money left over after paying costs
  14. 26. Type of monopoly that forms from piling up patents and copyrights
  15. 28. Type of monopoly that forms from out-competing everyone else
  16. 30. Speed up a project
  17. 32. Retain 49% or less of profits and control
  18. 34. Produced
  19. 36. Legal protection over products
  20. 37. Varies with usage
  21. 40. Risk bond
  22. 41. The level of economics the Economic Environments operate under
  23. 43. Low mass production, high specialization