Economics Review

  1. 3. a way to buy something now and pay for it later
  2. 4. a term that means a limited supply of goods or resources
  3. 7. a sum of money borrowed from a person or group
  4. 8. ___ resources are the people who supply services or produce goods.
  5. 11. ___ resources are materials supplied by nature such as water, minerals, plants, and animals.
  6. 12. type of economic system where people (private individuals) are allowed to own their own businesses and produce what they want
  7. 13. in a ___ economic system, businesses own most resources and determine what and how to produce, but the government regulates certain industries
  8. 15. A person who starts his own business is an example of which productive resource?
  9. 17. a trade ___ occurs when a country forbids trade with another country
  10. 19. to commit money to possibly gain more money
  11. 20. a term for a person who buys goods and services
  1. 1. barrier:A ___ ___ is any restriction on trade
  2. 2. ___ resources are the things we use (such as tools, buildings, and machinery) to produce goods and services.
  3. 5. type of economic system where people make their own clothing and tools and trade extra food or items with others in their society
  4. 6. restriction or limit on the amount of goods that can be imported into a country
  5. 9. a fee paid to use someone else's money
  6. 10. an economic term that means "to make something"
  7. 14. money that you earn by working
  8. 15. International trade requires a system for currency ___.
  9. 16. a tax placed on imported goods
  10. 18. type of economic system where the government controls what is produced and how it is produced