Economics Rocks

  1. 3. What does it mean when the Unemployment rate is 5% or less?.
  2. 5. The value of the next-best alternative.
  3. 7. What is it called when GDP is low, so unemployment is high?.
  4. 9. What is it called when the FED uses its power to increase or decrease the money. supply?
  5. 12. The study of the behavior and decision making of an economy as a whole.
  6. 13. actions by Congress to increase or decrease aggregate demand to fight inflation, recession, or stagflation is called?.
  7. 16. The study of how people try to satisfy their needs and wants with limited resources.
  8. 18. The desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product.
  9. 19. The point where the supply curve and the demand curve cross is called….
  10. 20. When a change in price causes a big change in quantity demanded
  11. 21. Which of the 5 C’s of creditworthiness definitions is this “the consumers,what they need to pay and how much there making ratio”.
  12. 22. What is it called when a lender determines that you will default on your debt obligations, or how worthy you are to receive new credit?.
  13. 23. The idea that there are a limited. amount of resources to meet unlimited wants and needs.
  14. 24. The amount of a product offered for sale at all available prices.
  15. 25. What is it called when you calculate how many dollars worth of goods and services are made in a country over time (typically one year).
  1. 1. When a change in price causes only a little change in quantity demanded
  2. 2. What is the name of the people who prefer fewer or even no trade restrictions?.
  3. 4. The study of the behavior and decision making of individuals and businesses.
  4. 6. Which of the 5 C’s of creditworthiness definitions is this”The amount of money the consumers have total”?.
  5. 8. What is it called when prices are not going up too quickly?.
  6. 10. The Fourth Largest source of federal revenue is called?.
  7. 11. What is it called when there is a Recession and Inflation happening at the same time?.
  8. 14. Which of the 5 C’s of creditworthiness definitions is this “the consumers past credit spendings”?.
  9. 15. Which of the 5 C’s of creditworthiness definitions is this “something for something so if the person/bank gives you money they have something that they know you will want back so theyll keep it till you pay them back”.
  10. 17. spending of social security is called...