
  1. 2. Help if needed
  2. 5. get more products
  3. 9. could buy
  4. 10. name of class
  5. 11. Products
  6. 14. Were the supply and demand could go
  7. 16. under the PPC
  8. 18. not enough
  9. 20. Get the other product
  1. 1. pay less
  2. 3. Quick and swift
  3. 4. Not sea but
  4. 6. hard work
  5. 7. Look at other products
  6. 8. what makes a product
  7. 12. state/counrty major city
  8. 13. Low on everything
  9. 15. Not a need
  10. 17. evolution
  11. 19. not a want