  1. 2. This is offered for sale which could be in the form of physical, virtual or cyber form
  2. 4. A main problem for human wants
  3. 7. Using resources to make and sell goods to satisfy our wants
  4. 9. use ______ is to represent an expected factor of "flexibility of thinking" in an investigation
  5. 11. When people have unlimited needs and wants but there is only a limited stock of resources
  6. 12. The people who buy the consumption to satisfy their needs and wants
  7. 13. The goods available to individuals
  8. 15. To satisfy our needs and wants from goods and services
  9. 16. cost Loss of one alternative when the other is been chosen
  1. 1. problem The term used for resources which are insufficient to satisfy our unlimited wants
  2. 3. Analysis of how scarce resources are been distributed among producers, and how scarce goods and services are apportioned among consumers
  3. 5. Giving of goods to a person in exchange for another
  4. 6. of interest A situation in which aims of two parties are not comparable
  5. 8. Another word for resources in economics
  6. 10. Business person who attempts to make a profit by risk and initiative
  7. 14. Another word for goods and services in economics