________________________________Ecosyst. 7 GR dd:

  1. 3. when a herd moves away from its original population.
  2. 5. Natural disasters such as hurricanes and ___ can impact a pop.
  3. 9. Moving INTO a population
  4. 10. In general a popula._____if conditions are favorable.
  5. 12. all the members of a species in a particular area are a _______
  6. 13. the community of organisms along with the environment of an area is an ____
  1. 1. The number of births per female is called the ___ rate.
  2. 2. Water and ___ can be limiting factors to pop.growth.
  3. 4. all of the populations that live together in an area make up a ____
  4. 6. The number of individuals in an area of specific size.
  5. 7. A factor in limiting pop. growth
  6. 8. the smaller area within a populations environment.
  7. 11. Another factor in limiting pop. growth.