  1. 3. I don't like speaking French because I make a lot of _____.
  2. 5. At my school we play a lot of _____, it keeps us fit.
  3. 7. of the best things about going to university is that you _____ a lot of new friends. a lot
  4. 9. At the end of the year all the students give a _____.
  5. 10. When you _____ art, you learn about painters like Picasso and Salvador DalĂ­.
  6. 11. I don't study _____ very often because I don't have internet access at home.
  1. 1. I'd like to study foreign _____ like Russian and Spanish.
  2. 2. I'd love to play the _____ but our flat is too small to have one; so I play the guitar instead!
  3. 4. On Friday, we have to do a _____ so I need to learn the vocabulary.
  4. 6. I have to _____ exam at the end of the year.
  5. 8. At school we didn't have to wear a _____, we wore our own clothes.
  6. 9. Every week we _____ games like tennis or netball.