
  1. 2. extra help for a student
  2. 5. descriptor for things positioned at a higher elevation
  3. 6. top-secret
  4. 8. Incredible
  5. 10. Dumbledore
  6. 13. disparity in resources, opportunities, and privileges
  7. 14. ceremonial march across the stage, where you receive a diploma
  8. 18. the feeling when your to-do list looks like a novel
  9. 20. seekers of knowledge
  10. 23. mini-adventure land for tiny humans
  11. 24. Studying at a boarding school
  12. 26. process of turning your brain into a muscle-bound genius
  13. 27. teaching space
  14. 28. Rarely
  1. 1. without a roof
  2. 3. exceed
  3. 4. infrastructure
  4. 7. Hogwarts of the posh world
  5. 9. Discouraging
  6. 11. Being rich
  7. 12. I have a dream
  8. 14. sneak peek
  9. 15. wisdom and information
  10. 16. where young minds are sent to decode the secrets of the universe
  11. 17. being deprived of basic necessities
  12. 19. relating to people who earn low wages
  13. 21. Missing something
  14. 22. Speaking for someone
  15. 25. a place where whispers echo like thunder
  16. 26. the act of signing up