
  1. 2. Where you play sports and activities at school (the long form of gym).
  2. 4. A paper you receive at the end of each quarter with your grades.
  3. 7. What you put your food in for school.
  4. 8. What you write your notes and assignments in.
  5. 12. Where you eat at school.
  6. 14. Used to measure inches and centimeters.
  7. 15. To not pass a class or test.
  1. 1. The place where you can read and borrow books.
  2. 3. A tool to make your pencil sharp and easy to write with.
  3. 5. What teachers write on with chalk.
  4. 6. A large test, usually at the end of the year or semester.
  5. 9. What you put your school supplies in to carry them around.
  6. 10. What most students write with (not a pen).
  7. 11. The item on the back of a pencil used to fix mistakes.
  8. 13. The chairs that students sit in.