Effects of ICT

  1. 5. The good aspects of technology in the future
  2. 7. A dystopian view on technology where employees would be on their own working
  3. 9. A place to save files which can be accessible from anywhere with a connection to a network
  4. 11. The acronym for an injury often occurring in the 50s typing pools
  5. 12. Fast and efficient messaging with the ability to attach files
  6. 14. What many employees had to in order to continue working after newer technology was added to the office
  7. 16. A small chip that contains a CPU, some RAM and some ROM storage
  8. 17. A worldwide computer network with email and information
  9. 18. What happened after newer jobs such as web designers came into use
  10. 20. A utopian view on the technology where less paper and energy will be used
  1. 1. The bad aspects of technology in the future
  2. 2. A stationary that most businesses and offices are based off
  3. 3. The state of being connected in order to share work in a modern office
  4. 4. A job type that replaced many employees with robots
  5. 6. A machine used to type documents before word processing
  6. 8. A job replaced by the personal computer and printing to produce documents required for the business to run
  7. 10. Working from home
  8. 13. The bad thing that happened to employees when new technology was introduced to offices
  9. 15. A job replaced by spreadsheet software to calculate profit, loss, billings .etc
  10. 19. The connection within an office to share the files and documents between each employee