EHR Chapter 2

  1. 1. ___________Use or MU-the use of certified electronic health record technology with the purpose of improving quality.
  2. 4. This type of data fit into a particular model or format.
  3. 5. American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (abr) included provisions for HITECH
  4. 7. A _________analysis review to ensure the quality of the clinical information.
  5. 11. This analysis is a review of the health record to ensure that all required documentation is present.
  6. 13. Health Information Technology for economic and clinical health, and act that is meant to increase the use of an electronic health record. (abr)
  7. 14. Merit based incentive payment system (abr)
  8. 15. personal health record, kept by the patient (abr)
  9. 17. Single facts that come together to form information.
  10. 18. This type of data is in the form of words or audio files that cannot be tracked.
  11. 21. Protected Health Information (abr)
  12. 23. Nationwide Health Information Network (abr)A set of standards that enable the secure exchange of information over the internet.
  13. 24. Regional Health Information Organization a group that exchanges health information with the intent of improving care and reducing costs. (abr)
  14. 25. Institute of Medicine, an organization that works to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public. Replaced by the National Academies in 2016. (abr)
  1. 2. Information ________ is the framework for managing information throughout it's lifecycle.
  2. 3. The Health care _______administrator may also be know as chief information officer.
  3. 6. Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act of 1996 (abr)
  4. 8. The Healthcare _______may also be referred to as healthcare manager or health systems manager.
  5. 9. Raw facts that when viewed as a whole have meaning.
  6. 10. EHR, or Electronic Health ________, are supported by the Advancing Care Information Standards.
  7. 12. Certification Commission for Health information Technology (abr) A non-profit, non-government agency whose purpose it was to certify EHR.
  8. 13. Health Information Exchange (abr)
  9. 15. A computerized system for enhancing and viewing images such as Xrays, scans, and ultrasounds. (abr)
  10. 16. office of the national coordinator for health information technology (abr)The principal federal financial entity for EHR coordination
  11. 19. regional extension center (abr)An organization that assists providers in the selection of EHR systems.
  12. 20. Clinical decision support; a software that assists the physician in decision making and medication interaction. (abr)
  13. 21. ____________Interoperability Programs were formerly known as Meaningful Use.
  14. 22. A unique 10 digit identifier issued by CMS used on insurance claims to identify the person or entity that provided the services rendered. (abr)