Einstein's Dream Activity

  1. 4. A theme in the novel: how humans comprehend time
  2. 7. A German physicist who developed a theory of time/relativity
  3. 9. Something light, delicate, or insubstantial
  4. 10. The country in which "Einstein's Dreams" is set in
  5. 14. Examine or analyze minutely
  6. 15. A small stream
  7. 16. Fashioned from whatever is immediately available
  8. 17. Recurring nameless characters throughout the novel
  1. 1. A tendency to change quickly and unpredictably
  2. 2. Counsel or warning against fault or oversight
  3. 3. An Italian engineer, a close friend of Einstein
  4. 5. To suffer violent internal excitement
  5. 6. Term for a third person point of view
  6. 8. Extreme agitation or disorder
  7. 11. An American physicist who wrote "Einstein's Dreams"
  8. 12. Present, appearing or found everywhere
  9. 13. Needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word