El Dia de los Muertos

  1. 3. What holiday is near El Dia de los Muertos.
  2. 5. Paper cut into skull shapes.
  3. 7. Number of days this holiday is celebrated
  4. 10. Used to light the way for the dead to find their families.
  5. 11. What El Dia de los Muertos is about.
  6. 13. The type of flowers used to guide the dead from the cememtary.
  7. 15. A special loaf of sweet bread.
  8. 16. Many families come here to celebrate their loved ones.
  1. 1. marigold in Nahuatl.
  2. 2. What does El Dia de los Muertos mean in English?
  3. 4. What ofrenda means.
  4. 6. A sugary treat shaped like a human skull.
  5. 8. What people build to hold photos of dead friends or family members.
  6. 9. The major country that celebrates El Dia de los Muertos.
  7. 12. The month El Dia de los Muertos is celebrated.
  8. 14. Something put into a ceramic pot and burned.