El día de San Valentin

  1. 3. I miss you in Spanish.
  2. 4. In this country, Valentine's Day was moved and celebrated for an entire week.
  3. 7. A region in Spain where love is celebrated on two separate holidays.
  4. 10. Valentine's Day in spanish
  5. 11. This country holds elegant dances.
  6. 12. On St. George's Day in Spain, men buy their girlfriends flowers and ___________.
  7. 13. El día del amor y amistad in English.
  1. 1. A pair of lovebirds.
  2. 2. La Dia de Sant Jordi
  3. 5. Lover
  4. 6. Valentine's Day is a celebration of _______.
  5. 8. Children in Mexican schools compose small poems to attach to __________.
  6. 9. the love of my life
  7. 12. this country celebrates on September 21st.