ELA 6th Test 2

  1. 5. voice commenting on the action or narrating a film off-camera
  2. 6. done with sadness
  3. 7. inability to process blood sugars
  4. 8. condition of being extremely overweight
  5. 11. warm-blooded animals with hair or fur, including humans
  6. 13. material bodies are made from
  7. 15. process of making films or cartoons from drawings, computer graphics, or photos
  8. 16. in a way that is little by little
  9. 18. something that replaces a lost body part
  1. 1. in an unconcerned way
  2. 2. remote-controlled flying machines
  3. 3. respectful and polite to women
  4. 4. natural substance that is produced in the body and that affects the way the body develops
  5. 9. strange or unusual
  6. 10. longing for the past
  7. 12. recorded sound
  8. 14. person who tells a story
  9. 17. in a superior manner