ELA/Winter Break

  1. 1. A time of rest and relaxation away from work or school
  2. 3. A creamy winter drink typically made with milk, eggs, sugar and spices
  3. 5. Joyous social events or celebrations
  4. 8. A struggle between opposing forces, ideas or interests
  5. 12. A made up story that comes from imagination
  6. 14. A tree or shrub that stays green throughout the year
  7. 15. The main character of a story
  8. 16. A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
  9. 18. The underlying message or big idea of a story
  10. 19. Using an object or action that means something beyond its literal meaning
  11. 20. The satisfying conclusion to a story's conflict
  12. 21. An unexpected day off school due to snowy weather
  13. 23. Customs, beliefs or practices handed down through generations
  14. 24. Long, careful consideration or thought
  1. 2. A bonding between people through shared interests or activities
  2. 4. The act of observing a joyous occasion with festive activities
  3. 6. A character in opposition to the protagonist
  4. 7. The qualities or features that make up and distinguish a character
  5. 9. A day of festivity or celebration
  6. 10. A conclusion derived from logical reasoning or evidence
  7. 11. The act of resting, refreshing and taking things easy
  8. 13. Communication by exchanging letters or messages
  9. 17. The words and ideas surrounding a word or event that help give it meaning
  10. 22. Factual prose writing that gives information or describes real events