Elections and Voting Vocabulary

  1. 2. Qualified citizens exercise their power over government by voting
  2. 3. Local Government that represents each state
  3. 7. Government that represents the whole nation
  4. 8. The actions of government to meet public needs
  5. 11. What qualifies a person to become an elected official
  6. 12. This institution follows Democratic Principles
  7. 13. Register to vote and be 18 years of age or older with no criminal record
  1. 1. This type of government represents different counties within a state
  2. 4. Our elections are considered to be this way so that our basic individual rights are safeguarded
  3. 5. To elect a candidate for local, state and national offices
  4. 6. This party was formed in 1828 to represent the "common man"
  5. 9. A group of people who share the same political beliefs
  6. 10. This party was formed in 1854 by opposing slavery into the western territories