Electric and Hybrid Cars

  1. 2. There's a high center of ________when hybrid cars are front wheel drive and batteries are located in the back.
  2. 3. A fully charged battery pack can take 4 to 8 _____.
  3. 7. What can be produced from nuclear, hydro, solar or wind powered plants resulting in no air pollutants?
  4. 10. True or False. Hybrids have high power output, great handling and have low maintenance costs.
  5. 11. A quick charge to 80% capacity can take 30 _______.
  6. 12. Emissions such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, __________ and nitrogen oxides contribute to smog.
  7. 14. Technological advancements in _________ over the past 40 years have made EVs possible.
  8. 16. In the 1900's the Lohner-Porsche __________ was created.
  9. 17. EVs have zero tailpipe __________?
  10. 18. Porsche Who developed the electric wheel-hub motor that's battery operated?
  1. 1. Car What's a gas fueled internal combustion engine with a battery driven electric motor?
  2. 2. What vehicles only convert about 17–21% to power the wheels?
  3. 4. A small _______ combustion engine powers the car during most driving situations.
  4. 5. The gas engine and electric motor are connected to the wheels by the same ___________.
  5. 6. Electric motors perform well by operating quietly and have a strong ______________?
  6. 8. Electric vehicles can travel 100-200 miles before ________ and gasoline can go over 300 miles before refueling.
  7. 9. EVs convert about 59–62% of electrical energy from the _____ to power the wheels.
  8. 13. Jacob ______ developed the vehicle's coach.
  9. 15. Roadster What's the name of the first electric vehicle (EV) introduced to the public in the United States?
  10. 16. Hybrids improve gas mileage and reduce what?