Electric Heart

  1. 1. A measurement done by a sphygmomanometer
  2. 5. Blocks reuptake of serotonin in the brain, thus increasing levels
  3. 8. A specialist in the field of the heart
  4. 9. A feeling of fear, worry, uneasiness, or dread
  5. 11. A mental state marked by intense fear
  6. 13. Measures the heart's electrical activity
  7. 14. Difficult labored breathing
  8. 16. Relieves anxiety by means of calming
  9. 17. A prescription written out by a doctor that can only be filled by a pharmacy
  10. 19. A state of sluggishness or stupor
  11. 20. It's called the pacemaker of the heart because it sets the rate of the heart beat
  12. 23. A specialist in the field of mental conditions
  13. 24. A non invasive method that uses ultra sound to visualize internal cardiac structures
  14. 26. Evaluation of physical fitness by ECG
  15. 27. A portable device that records heart rhythm
  1. 2. Sensation of abnormally rapid or irregular heart beats
  2. 3. Medications that affect the mind, altering mental activity
  3. 4. The recorded number of times a heart beats per minute
  4. 6. The process of determining cause and nature of illness
  5. 7. Used in the removal or destruction of a part of the heart
  6. 9. Tightness in the chest
  7. 10. Abbreviation for non prescription medication
  8. 11. A practitioner of health and medicine
  9. 12. Usually caused by formation of a thrombus in a vessel
  10. 15. Prediction of disease's course and outcome
  11. 18. A small cavity in the lower heart
  12. 21. Any abnormality in the rate or rhythm of the heart beat
  13. 22. The person being examined by a physician
  14. 25. An adult age
  15. 28. Chronic intense throbbing headache