electrical terms
- 4. wire a wire carrying an electric current
- 6. Electric potential between two points of a conducting wire when an electic current of one ampere dissiapates one watt of power between those points.
- 8. Flow of electricity
- 9. wire a safety wire the ultimately runs to the ground. Wire is either bare of green and runs parallel with neutral wire.
- 12. current current that reverses it direction many times a second at regular intervals.
- 13. A unit of measure of resistance
- 14. A closed path in which electricity flows
- 15. wire carries the circuit back to the original power source
- 1. A device for making, breaking, or changing the connecton in and electric current
- 2. current current that flows in one direction
- 3. Anything which consumes electrical energy
- 5. breaker An automatic device for stopping the flow of current in an electric circuit
- 7. circuit A circuit in which there is one path for elecricity to flow
- 10. Unit of electrical power equal to on ampere under the pressure of one volt
- 11. circuit A circuit in which there are multiple paths for electricity to flow
- 12. unit of measure for the intensity of an electric current flowing a circuit.