Electronics II crossword

  1. 4. what you do to blank spaces in your notebook
  2. 6. voltage controlled current.
  3. 10. a type of voltage that alternates from positive to negative.
  4. 12. are there makeup exams?
  5. 15. the tool you use to solder with.
  6. 18. hours where you can go and speak with a TA.
  7. 21. what solder should NOT have in it.
  8. 23. part of you lab report where you list how the lab was done.
  9. 26. how you correct errors in your lab book.
  10. 29. when labs and assignements are usually due
  11. 30. contains everything on the bench in a small package!
  12. 32. laboratory phone university police number.
  13. 35. you plug wires into it
  14. 37. generates waves man.
  15. 40. part of the lab where data collected is listed.
  16. 42. part of your lab report where you summarize things.
  17. 44. first part of a lab report.
  18. 46. what you go to if you are behind on a lab.
  19. 47. when are the electronics II lectures held?
  20. 48. when they go its a pain to replace.
  21. 49. measures voltages.
  22. 50. it resists things.
  1. 1. Notebook, only blue or black pen I stg.
  2. 2. its a DMM but in your hand.
  3. 3. section of the lab where questions are answered.
  4. 5. fancy voltmeter.
  5. 7. the legend behind the voltage and current laws
  6. 8. the part of your lab where you discuss things...
  7. 9. the teacher.
  8. 10. you should not be "" while working on energized circuits.
  9. 11. it changes voltages.
  10. 13. another word for current.
  11. 14. its short name is IC
  12. 16. how long we work on one lab in class
  13. 17. part of your lab report where you list items used.
  14. 19. the room where it all happens. (it ends in a 4)
  15. 20. something that makes what your working on explode.
  16. 22. what you wear while soldering.
  17. 24. a type of voltage that is a constant voltage.
  18. 25. its a DMM but on a bench.
  19. 27. part of lab report where you give the conclusion.
  20. 28. your laboratory teacher.
  21. 31. where you can access engineering software through the internet.
  22. 33. a fruit named wire in the shoebox
  23. 34. current controlled current.
  24. 36. the last section of a lab report.
  25. 38. law, V=IR
  26. 39. stealing others work
  27. 41. your TA has to "" each page.
  28. 43. given to you in lab
  29. 45. part of lab notebook that lables where everything is.