Elementary linear algebra(crossword)

  1. 2. set of number arranged in rows and columns so as to form a rectangular arroy
  2. 4. the right(head)diagonal elements be 1, and the other elements be 0, what is the matrix called?
  3. 6. based on the given coordinates m-?
  4. 9. Large marsupial
  5. 10. Flying mammal
  6. 12. Likes to chase mice
  7. 13. is the ratio of the change in the y-coordinate to the change in the x- coordinate called?
  8. 14. Man's best friend
  1. 1. two systems of linear equations have the same set of solutions,then what are these equations called?
  2. 3. Has a trunk
  3. 5. If the number of rows and columns in the matrix is equal,what is the matrix called?
  4. 7. by changing its rows into columns:
  5. 8. is the substraction of the product of diagonals of a given matrix called?
  6. 11. what is a directed straight line segment called?