Elements and Bonding

  1. 1. Name given to the columns in the periodic table.
  2. 3. Type of bond formed between non metals.
  3. 5. Number of electrons that can be carried by the second and third electron shells.
  4. 6. Charge carried by metal ions.
  5. 7. Gas produced when alkali metals react with water.
  6. 10. The number which tells us the combined number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
  7. 13. The type of gasses in group 0 of the periodic table.
  8. 14. Number which tells us the number of protons in the nucleus.
  1. 2. Name given to the rows in the periodic table.
  2. 4. Charge carried by ions of non metals.
  3. 8. Group of the periodic table which contains the alkali metals.
  4. 9. Subatomic partical which has no charge.
  5. 11. Group of the periodic table which contains elements which have seven electrons in their outer electron shells.
  6. 12. Type of bond formed between metals and non metals.
  7. 15. A charged particle.