Elements and Terms Used In Drama

  1. 3. The struggle between opposing forces in a story, often between the protagonist and antagonist. It can be internal or external.
  2. 4. The background or environment that is created on stage to depict the setting of the story.
  3. 6. The point of greatest tension or turning point in the story where the conflict reaches its peak.
  4. 8. The written text of a play, film, or broadcast, containing the dialogue, actions, instructions, and sometimes background information. It outlines what the actors will say (dialogue) and do (stage directions), as well as any sound or lighting cues needed for the performance. Scripts are essential for directing the flow of the performance and ensuring consistency across rehearsals and shows. They serve as the blueprint for the final production.
  5. 9. The use of artificial lights and sound effects to enhance mood, setting, and dramatic effects in a play.
  6. 11. The clothing and accessories worn by the actors to help portray the characters.
  7. 15. The individuals in the story, each with distinct personalities, motivations, and actions.
  8. 18. The conversation between characters.
  9. 20. The main character in a story, often the hero, who faces the central conflict.
  1. 1. The group of actors who portray the characters in a play.
  2. 2. The person that writes the play’s text.
  3. 5. The time and place in which the events of a story occur.
  4. 7. A long speech delivered by one character to other characters or the audience, revealing inner thoughts or emotions.
  5. 10. The character or force that opposes the protagonist, creating conflict.
  6. 12. A form of literature written by a playwright, intended to be performed by actors on a stage before an audience.
  7. 13. Objects used on stage by actors to enhance the setting or action.
  8. 14. A division of an act in a play where the setting remains the same, and time does not advance.
  9. 16. Everything that happens in the story.
  10. 17. The underlying message, central idea, or insight about life that the writer conveys through the story.
  11. 19. Directions Instructions written in the script of a play that indicate the actors’ movements, tone, and actions, as well as descriptions of lighting, sound, and set.
  12. 20. The sequence of events that make up a story, usually divided into exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.