  1. 3. An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance
  2. 5. Dave's nickname
  3. 6. A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links
  4. 7. A document that only 2 teachers can issue
  5. 8. An abreviation for Language Links' best sellers
  6. 10. This item sometimes arrive later than scheduled.
  7. 11. Students ask to change this with relative ease
  8. 13. The smallest room on campus
  9. 17. Students sometime forget to collect this
  10. 18. An planned, compulsory event
  11. 19. Students study to prepare for this
  1. 1. Carla is most afraid of this event.
  2. 2. You find documents relating to classes and students here
  3. 4. This activity take place during class hours but not held on campus
  4. 8. All staff members have access to this company property.
  5. 9. A course with no holidays
  6. 12. The last big excursion that LLI held took place here.
  7. 14. A communication that is sometimes overlooked by our teachers
  8. 15. This Food recently evacuated the entire 116-120 Roe Street building
  9. 16. LLI used to hold this event in the Student Kitchen